Friday, March 27, 2009

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FFF Programming

1 comment:

  1. If your interested in other Film Festivals in Florida, check out the Global Peace Film Festival's showing of "Cracker - The Last Cowboys of Florida"

    Here's its description and link...
    Yes, there ARE cowboys in Florida. Real live rootin’ tootin roping and riding cowboys. And they’ve been on the scene for over 250 years. In fact Florida vies with Texas as the number one cattle producing state in the USA.

 Filmed over a course of three years, we soon realized that the life of the Florida Cowboy was changing; disappearing before our very eyes. The explosion of land values has forecast an end to large scale ranching and a major loss of wilderness in Florida.

 This film captures the beauty of the old ways, many of which have not changed in hundreds of years, with the drama of encroaching civilization. It is a beautiful and important film documenting America in the throes of change.
